The trails were too snowed in and I didn't have my snowshoes or micro spikes so I climbed up a rather steep southern exposed hill side. I found an elk jaw that is now in my collection.
So...we have lived here since 1983 and have never seen this much water. In the second image, in front of the two pine trees there has been a smallish pond in 2-3 years. Now look at it! Wow.
I drove out early Friday morning to Folsom Farm near the Hog/Fishtrap Lake complex to see what I could see. Luckily the blind I sat in kept me out of the wind from the south. The main entertainment was a pair of Pied Billed Grebes who would occasionally call and once performed their mating display. I also say many yellow-headed blackbirds, a widely spread out number of coots, a pair of mallards and heard the call of a flicker.